Happy New Year! 2015 has started out cold and wet. Lots of rain in the past week. This is when small space living is the most challenging. I don't mind sending the kids out to play in the cold, or the rain...but not when it's cold AND rainy. I have been diligently working toward my whole30 start date of Monday. I am most concerned with the fact that I don't like veggies. And since clean living kind of relies on alot of veggies...this will be difficult. I have been reading the book "It Starts with Food". The book actually has a section entitled "So you don't like vegetables". I was hopeful, but it basically says, suck it up you're a grown up. :/ Maybe as I cut the crap from my diet, my taste buds will change. After reading some in the book, I bravely opened the fridge and popped a spinach leaf in my mouth. My goal was to chew it up and swallow, like an adult. Bleh... I spit it out. Plan B is to experiment with homemade salad dressings until I find a whole30 approved recipe that makes green stuff more palpable to my sugar blinded taste buds. Here's my ingredients.
My first try was not so good. Way too oily and heavy. So next I will try making homemade mayo to use for my homemade dressing..... Ugh! Fast food is soooo much easier! At least until my next doctor visit. :( I cleaned my cabinets and fridge also. I made more room in our tiny space, but there is still plenty of non- whole30 foods. Remember, I will be undertaking this by myself at first. It's the first time my pantry & fridge have been this clean in awhile.
Not looking forwarded to the first few days of soda/sugar withdrawal
Jamba Juice is NOT whole30 approved
Very few whole30 stuff visible.... as of now.
I will miss you Wonder bread!
I cleaned this one just bcuz I was tired of shit falling on my head every time I opened it.
Next post, I will be showing some of the camper "upgrades" we have made in the almost 3 years we have been in it.
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